E.C.: I know you have been playing some of these songs for years. What made you finally decide to put out a CD?
Jeff: Well, I never had any money to make one and I'd always wanted to...and I wasn't really good enough. I finally figured I was
good enough. I said, "if I wait until I have money then I'll never make one."
E.C.: How did you come up with the name, "chickens & pigs"?
Jeff: It was a dream I had. I had been in a band that had basically broke up and I was going to start a band. And I literally dreamed it.
It was a barnyard scene with all the animals milling around. At the end of the barnyard was a stage with instruments on it. At some point
while these animals were milling around a dog gets up on the stage and goes up to the mic and says, "barnyard animals, will you please welcome Chickens & Pigs".
And the chickens and pigs come out of the barnyard, get up on stage and start playing the instruments. Weird ass music, I mean it don't sound like us.
And the music was gone when I woke up, but the name stuck.
E.C.: Your music has some alt-country, although you were alt-country way before it was "cool"..
Jeff: Ha ha ha! [laughs loudly]
E.C.: Your music has elements of alt-country, blues, rock, etc. How would you describe your music?
Jeff: I mean, you did pretty good, you obviously got the Dylan and the Stones influence and stuff. The thing that probably has added
is delving back into the '20s and '30s blues records and hillbilly records. Tommy Johnson, Robert Johnston, Charlie Patton, Jimmie Rodgers.
I actually wrote a song where I yodel now. know, rock 'n roll, extremely formed by those really old records.
That's my spiritual predecessors, I guess.
E.C.: I know a lot of the songs were written awhile back. Have you written any new material?
Jeff: Yes sir, absolutely! When I went to make a record, like most people spend your whole life making your first record, that type of thing.
E.C.: Any plans for a follow up to the CD?
Jeff: We are preparing to record another one, probably next month. It's mostly all new songs.
E.C.: Are you doing any kind of "tour" to promote your CD?
Jeff: Basically I'm gigging where I can, solo and of course with the band also.
E.C.: The back of the CD says "my current religion forbids the use of computers" that true?
Jeff: Yes it is, it is still. Religion is one of those things that always stays with you. At some point I'll probably have to
get a computer or find somebody that has one. I'm still being stubborn, I guess.
E.C.: Well, my wife swears that the computer is the 'instrument of the devil'.
Jeff: Yeah, I think she's on the right page!
E.C.: Since you don't have a presence on the internet, how can people find your CD?
There was a phone number on the imprint of the CD: 404-874-3414.
Jeff: Yeah...I've become stable, I've actually lived here and had the same phone number for three years. Before that I literally had
21 homes in 12 years, all in Atlanta. So, I can say without fear of contradiction that anybody who wants the CD can call that phone
number! Or you can buy it at Wax N Facts [in Atlanta]. So, you can come to my show, you can call me on the phone, or you
can come to Wax N Facts and they'll be glad to take your money.